names-Indian 1961: 130+
names-Indian -- Dutch maps (with Indian names) 1957: 145
names-Indian -- Indian and Other Place Names --- by Robert R. Coles 1971: 94+
names-Indian -- Indian names for clams --- letter by John C. Huden 1957: 153(L)
names-Indian -- Indian names for Long Island 1955: 127

1957: 87, 145
names-Indian -- Indian place names in Vermont --- letter by John C. Huden 1957: 192(L)
names-Indian -- Indian place-names on Long Island --- letter by William W. Tooker 1956: 160(L)
names-Indian -- Indian words collection --- by William Floyd 1956: 157
names-Indian -- Long Island Indian names and words --- by John C. Huden 1956: 105*-6, 115
names-Indian -- Long Island's Indian names --- by Robert R. Coles 1957: 145*-46
names-Indian -- place names 1954: 207

1956: 146
names-Indian -- words 1954: 6, 17

1955: 105, 127, 143, 193, 204

1956: 148

1957: 24, 26, 47, 48, 128, 220