transportaation -- bicycles and bicycling 1953: 42, 71, 85, 91, 110, 134, 137, 151, 158, 208

1972: 93

1973: 204

1974: 24+, 70, 195*+, 204+*

1975: 140

1987: 132, 201
transportaation -- bicycles and bicycling --- bicycle runs 1971: 181*, 186+, 208, 252+*
transportaation -- bicycles and bicycling --- Bicycling In 1898 ---- by Thomas R. Bayles 1971: 252+*
transportaation -- bicycles and bicycling --- century runs 1969: 6
transportaation -- bicycles and bicycling --- manufacturing 1953: 133
transportaation -- bicycles and bicycling --- More about bikes ---- letter by George E. Hart 11953: 134(L), 208(L)
transportaation -- bicycles and bicycling --- racing 1953: 134, 208
transportaation -- bicycles and bicycling --- That bicycle craze ---- letter by George E. Hart 1953: 110(L)
transportaation -- bicycles and bicycling --- trips 1980: 107