Peterson, Orville M. letter - handwritten "Patchogue, N.Y.
Dr. Gordon,
Dear Sir: --
Your letter of resent [i.e., recent] date received but neglected to answer as it was lost and had not noted address. but on inquiry found out that you were the Historian. so will try and give you all the data on my service which was slight. I enlisted in the Tank Corps Sept. 19, 1918, and was sent to Camp Polk, Raleigh N.C. and assigned to the 341 Battalion Tank Co C. We were under sailing orders when Armistice was signed. Was thereafter transferred to Camp Green, to be demobilized and final[l]y discharged at Camp Upton, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1919.
I was 40 years old when enlisting, having 15 years previous service, serving 14 years in the Navy. Was with Dewey at Manila, and with the Expedition in China during the Boxer outbreak. Should you want my further information will be pleased to oblige.
Yours Respectfully, Orville M. Peterson" NOTES Camp Polk
Tank Corps
Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898 (U.S. Navy. Naval History and Heritage
Command. Frequently Asked Questions)
The Boxer Rebellion and the U.S. Navy, 1900-1901 (U.S. Navy. Naval
History and Heritage Command. Frequently Asked Questions)
Smith, Erik T. That Memorable Campaign: American Experiences in the China
Relief Expedition During the 1900 Boxer Rebellion, A Thesis...Louisiana
State University, May 2004 (The University)
The Doughboys and Camp Greene, Mecklenburg County, NC, 1917-1918
(Charlotte-Mecklenburg Library)
Camp Upton (Longwood's Journey) |