Furlong, William W. survey sheet - handwritten On front (recto) of survey sheet:
Date of Enlistment: Feb. 26, 1918
Military Camps to which went:
* Fort Slocum
* Camp Johnston
* Camp Dix
Units to which belonged:
* M.T.C. [Motor Transport Company] 430.
* Instructors[?] No. 2.
* M.T. Co. "C"
* M.T. Co. 327
Date of trip overseas: --
Service there: Domestic service only
Date of return: --
Date of demobilization: May 16, 1919
Honors received: Corporal. Instructor of Motor Truck driving
On reverse (verso) of survey sheet:
* Will add that I enlisted at Genoa, Italy, as ambulance driver in the
Alpini of the Italian Army, on Dec. 2, 1916
* Was discharged at Verona, Italy, on April 9, 1917 in order to report and
enlist with my own colors.
* Was wounded by shell fire on the night of Jan. 10, 1917. NOTES World War I (Wikipedia. Alpini)
List of Ambulance Drivers in World War I (Wikipedia)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ambulance_drivers_during_World_War_I -- Mr. Furlong was in good company
Fort Slocum, Davids Island, New Rochelle, NY (Hudson Valley Ruins)
Camp Joseph E. Johnston (Jacksonville, Fla.) Collection (University of
North Florida.Thomas G. Carpenter Library)
Camp Dix - World War I Cantonment - AEF Training Center - NJ (GG Archives)
Motor Transport Corps (Wikipedia)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_Transport_Corps#Organization |