Fuss, Louis survey sheet - handwritten Date of Enlistment: May 29, 1918
Military Camps to which went:
* Camp Upton, N.Y.
* Camp Johnston, Fla.
* Camp Hill, Va.
Units to which belonged:
* Clothing Unit 303, 35th Division
Date of trip overseas: August 14, 1918
Service there: Supplying clothing to divisional troops. - Emergency supplies of clothing to troops at front.
Date of return: July 2, 1919
Date of demobilization: July 10, 1919
Honors received: Honorable discharge. NOTES Camp Upton - World War I Training Trenches (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Camp Johnston, An Antique Army Base (Jacksonville Story.com)
Camp Hill and Camp Alexander Marker, W-68 (Marker History.com)
The 35th Infantry Division in the Great War (Museum of the Kansas National Guard. Historic Units)
http://www.kansasguardmuseum.org/dispunit.php?id=7 |