Total Number Of Pages: 1
Source: Scanned from the original photograph which is 10 inches in width and 8 inches in height.
Date: 1920-08-19
Language: English
Coverage: Shinnecock Reservation, Southampton, N.Y. (Town)
Red Thunder Cloud [Cromwell Ashbie Hawkins West]
Rights: No Known Copyright Restrictions
Description: The caption reads:
"The original home of the Shinnecocks was a grass wigwam, round in structure and bore no resemblance to the reconstructed model shown here. However, the model itself is one of interest because it shows that there was some attempt to reconstruct something of the former culture at this pageant of the tribe in the year of 1920. Grass was used in the older Shinnecock wigwams but it was tied together in bunches rather than placed on the structure as illustrated here.
The women shown here had taken part in one of the tribal pageants and had used whatever materials they had at home in an attempt to create some Indian costumes although they are a far cry from what the ancient Shinnecocks wore. However the women in this photo represent good Indian stock and the blood of a past generation.
From left to right they are, Mrs. Addie Cogsbill, Mary Emma Bunn, whom they think was a full blood, Rose Kellis Williams, Anna Kellis, Mrs. Cuffee, and Mrs. Adela Santoya. Mrs. Santoya was of Matinecock, Poosepatuck and Shinnecock heritage. Older Indian looking types such as these women are rare among the tribe today."