O'Neill's Jewelry And Sales Exchange
McBride's Drug Store With Auto And Policeman

O’Neill’s Jewelry And Sales Exchange Building (1 East Main Street) was built after a wing of Roe’s Tavern was removed for a pharmacy and living quarters for Dr. Chapell, according to a 1930’s article in the Advance. In 1876, Justus Roe’s fledgling steel tape measure company got its start on the second floor. In 1881, druggist Nelson McBride opened McBride’s Pharmacy in the same building that is standing here today. The bulk of the pharmacy’s business was compounding prescriptions. McBride remodeled the drugstore often adding the latest in soda counters and decor. Nelson McBride operated in this building until his death in 1931. In 1933, a fire destroyed the adjacent Roe Tavern, today the site of the Gallo Restaurant. Owner Burd enclosed McBride’s Pharmacy building in brick and rebuilt the Tavern (then referred to as the Burd building) in brick. O’Neill’s Jewelry & Sales Exchange has been a member of Patchogue’s business community since 1973.